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SAM Approved Lists and Other Lists-Free to Download
Updated 15-May-2022
SAM Design Review Committee ~ Rubber Models 1891-1942 - (1460 models) The "Design Review Committee" is working on bringing these up to date ASAP (posted jan2021)

Suggestions :-

1 Download the PDF file
2 Opened in your Browser and possibly search the file by using Ctl. F (to give you a search box)

SAM Design Review Committee ~ Rubber Models 1943-1956 - (710 models)
SAM Design Review Committee ~ HL Gliders 1902-1942 - (159 models)
SAM Design Review Committee ~ HL Gliders 1943-1956 - (160 models)
SAM Design Review Committee ~ Glider Models1930-1949 - (409 models)
SAM Design Review Committee ~ Glider Models1950-1956 - (231 models)
SAM Design Review Committee ~ Gas Models - up to 1942 - (947 models)
SAM Rule Book - Applicable to Free Flight and Radio Control (pdf file)
Engine List (by Dale Hannum)
Gas Model List (by Dale Hannum)
Rubber Model List (by Dale Hannum)
Model Recognition Page (by Trevor Boundy original a hard copy version by Allan Laycock)
Model Magazine Indices (AAM, AT, FM, MA, MB and Engine Tests) (by Dale Hannum)
Contact the SAM Design Review Committee Chairman at "Contact us"