`` Rubber Model Basics
Rubber Model Basics
Updated 31-Aug-2020
Gene Wallock - So you would like to fly a first time in competition, Gene's Suggestions regarding, multiple Rubber Models, Hand Launch/Catapult Launch Gliders, Towline Gliders
Air Trails Summer1977 - Dick Kordas Wakefield Winner, Instructions and Plans
Gene Wallock - Folding Blade Props for Rubber Motors - From Free Flight Quarterly April 2005
Karl Gies - Carving a Balsa Propeller
Aeromodeller Feb1951 - Easy Prop Folding by George Woolls
Aero Modeller Jan1954 - Getting The Best Out Of Your Rubber
Gene Wallock - Rubber Model Motor List - Jan 2009
Mike Myers - So You Want to Build an Old Timer Rubber Powered Model
Gene Wallock - Twin Pusher Building and Flying Tips
Dale Hannum - Rubber Model List, 2004 Edition
Tandy Walker - How to build a Rubber Powered 36 inch J-3 Cub, link to SAM 15
Dale Hannum - Classic Wakefield Rules and Procedures
Mike Myers - Twin Pusher Data Chart
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