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Want to Start a New SAM Chapter ?
Updated 14-Nov-2018
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New Chapter request or Alterations to existing Chapter information should be directed to this link --> SAM Chapter Coordinator
What's needed to charter
At least one Member of the new Chapter must be a payed up SAM Member:-
The proposed chapter name:-
The proposed chapter number:-
The URL for the chapter web site, if there is one:-
A new chapter can have any number it wishes except for the numbers already taken. See US Chapters or Intl.Chapters. If the chapter doesn’t give a preference, then the next higher available number is used. (Numbers for defunct chapters are re-used because there hasn’t been kept a list of previously used numbers.)
Information needed for the your chapter contact (need not be an officer)
Postal address:-
Telephone #, preferably with the International prefixes:-
E-mail address:-

A list of chapter members is not required.

That's all, and it's free!

Upon receipt of all the required information by me (the SAM Chapter Coordinator), the SAM Webmaster will be notified to include the chapter in the US Chapter (link to) or the Int'l Chapter (link to) chapter listing.

As time and postal delivery permit, you will be mailed your Charter Certificate, signed by the SAM President, SAM Secretary and the SAM Chapter Coordinator, contact the SAM Chapter Coordinator by Email from here.

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